Our Governing Body

Governors work closely with headteachers, school staff and representatives from the Local Authority (LA). Please click on the Governor name links below to find out more about each Governor.

Governor Committee Structure

Governor – Pauline Crook (Chair)Co-opted11/01/23 –
Finance & Premises (Chair)
Curriculum & Performance Review
Personnel & Discipline
Equality & Diversity
Curriculum & Standards
Sports Premium
Pupil Premium
Health & Safety
Early Years
Online Safety
Anti-Bullying; Governor Training
Governor-Carolyn Mulley (Vice Chair)Co-opted28/06/22 –
Curriculum Performance Review
Personnel & Discipline
Head Teacher Performance Management
Curriculum & Standards
Early Years
Governor – Cllr. Shirley Quinn (Vice Chair)Local Authority16/05/21 –
Personnel & Discipline
Pay Review
Curriculum & Performance Review
Finance &Premises
More Able & Talented
Curriculum & Standards
Governor at St. Mary’s RCVA Primary School.None
Governor – Lynn BoultonHead Teachern/aPersonnel & Discipline
Finance & Premises
Curriculum & Performance Review
Head TeacherNone
Governor – Nicola NixonCo-opted08/11/21 –
Finance & Premises
Curriculum and Performance (Chair)
GDPR incl. DRP
Curriculum & Standards
Parent and Families Intervention Support LeadNone
Governor – Cllr. Samantha TownsendParent01/04/23 –
Finance &Premises
Curriculum & Performance Review
Curriculum & Standards
Governor – Clare ShepherdStaff29/06/22 –
Curriculum Performance Review
Personnel & Discipline
Curriculum & Standards
Health & Safety
Workload & Wellbeing
Governor – Ashley WhartonCo-opted05/05/23-
Governor – Karen WilsonCo-opted22/03/2023-
Governor-Anthony JonesNo longer in office19/05/21 –
No longer in office
Governor-Natalie MathisonNo longer in office29/06/22 –
No longer in office
Governor-Nicola GreavesNo longer in office31/01/19 –
No longer in office

Governor Attendance

Schools are now required to display a record of Governor attendance at meetings for each school academic year. You can also view archived attendance on our website.

Record of Attendance 2022-2023

Governor NameCurriculum
First Pay
Pauline CrookA/AN/A
Anthony JonesNA/AN/AN/AN
Lynn Boulton
Natalie MathisonA/AN/AA/AN/A
Carolyn MulleyN/AA/A
Nicola NixonN/AN/A
Shirley QuinnA/A
Clare ShepherdN/AA/AN/AA/A
Samantha TownsendN/A
Nicola GreavesLeft GB

Committee Terms of Reference

Timothy Hackworth Primary School No: 2438

Full Governing Body

Terms of Reference

Strategic Leadership and Accountability:

  • In collaboration with school leaders, determine a clear and explicit vision for the future. Ensure that this is communicated to the whole organisation.
  • Set strong and clear values and ensure that these are embedded across the organisation and adhered to.
  • Determine the strategic direction for the school.
  • Monitor and evaluate pupil progress and attainment by receiving reports and information from the Headteacher and other school leaders; compare against national and local benchmarks over time.
  • Receive reports from committees, working parties or individuals and agree actions.
  • Approve the SEF and monitor throughout the year.
  • Approve the School Improvement Plan priorities and monitor throughout the year progress towards agreed actions.
  • Ensure that there is a transparent system for Performance Management of all staff, which is clearly linked to the school’s priorities. Have oversight of staff performance throughout the year.
  • Ensure that there are mechanisms in place to listen to and respond to the views of parents/carers, pupils, staff, local communities and employers.
  • Agree the recruitment process to be followed in relation to Senior Leader posts; where delegated, ratify appointments.
  • Final approval of the annual Budget Plan.
  • Monitor the school’s budget throughout the year.
  • Agree virement and expenditure limits for the Headteacher.
  • Hold at least 3 meetings each academic year. Ensure that committee meetings are held in accordance with the agreed Terms of Reference.

People and Structures:

  • Elect and/or remove Chair of Governors and Vice Chair of Governors.
  • Appoint Committee Chairs or delegate to each committee.
  • Consider and agree delegation of functions to individuals or committees.
  • Agree committee Terms of Reference and membership.
  • Establish a register of Governors’ business interests.
  • Ensure Governors’ information on the Get Information About Schools (GIAS) Register, and the school website is up to date and compliant with current requirements.
  • Confirm the Instrument of Government and subsequent amendments.
  • Appoint Co-opted, LA, and where necessary, Parent Governors to the Governing Body.
  • Review and monitor the Governor Induction process.
  • Have regard for Governors’ professional development.
  • Where necessary, suspend or remove Governors from the Governing Body.
  • Appoint/dismiss the Clerk to the Governing Body.

Compliance and Evaluation:

  • Consider business provided by LA and other sources.
  • Suspend or end suspension of staff members.
  • Ensure all statutory policies are in place and that there is an effective policy review cycle.
  • Review and agree the Governor Code of Conduct.
  • Confirm arrangements for completion of a Governor Skills Audit.
  • Ensure that there is regular self-evaluation and review of each individual’s contribution to the Governing Body as well as the Governing Body’s overall operation and effectiveness.
  • As necessary, consider an external review of the Governing Body’s effectiveness.
  • Ensure the school website is up to date and compliant with current DfE requirements.
Finance & Premises Committee
  • In conjunction with the Headteacher, to draft the first formal budget plan of the financial year, for approval by the full Governing Body.
  • To establish and maintain an up to date 3 year financial plan.
  • To monitor income and expenditure, including virement decisions, significant anomalies from the anticipated position, and report termly to the Governing Body.
  • To ensure that the school operates within the financial regulations of the County Council and the requirements of the DfE School Financial Value Standard.
  • To monitor expenditure of all voluntary funds kept on behalf of the Governing Body.
  • To annually review charges and remissions policies and expenses policies.
  • To make decisions in respect of Service Level Agreements.
  • To make decisions on expenditure following recommendations from other committees.
  • To prepare financial statements for inclusion in any reports to parents.
  • To ensure as far as is practical, that any Health and Safety (H&S) issues are appropriately funded in accordance with priorities.
  • To ensure that First/Pay Review Committee and Pay Appeal Committee decisions are appropriately funded.
  • To ensure that the school meets health and safety requirements and review the school’s Health and Safety policy regularly.
  • To ensure that adequate provision is made to make the building safe and secure.
  • To oversee the use of the premises by outside users.
  • To establish and keep under review an Asset Management/Building Development Plan.
  • To establish and keep under review an Accessibility Plan.
  • To consider all matters received from the LA relating to the financial aspects of the Authority’s scheme for the Financing of School’s (Fair Funding).
  • To receive an actual budget share and agree a budget plan for approval by the full Governing Body.
  • To monitor and determine spending patterns and consider spending proposals from other committees.
  • To consider and promote income generation.
  • To ensure that the annual accounts of all voluntary funds held by the school are audited, submitted and noted (Private School Fund).
  • To inspect and report the repair and maintenance to Buildings and Grounds improvements.
  • To oversee tendering procedures.
  • To oversee the purchase and disposal of furniture and equipment.
  • To monitor health and safety issues, inspection reports and actions (including completion of the annual Risk Assessment).

Meetings: termly, planned to coincide with Oracle.
Disqualifications: when there may be a conflict of interest, including a pecuniary interest, a fair hearing is required.


Virement Limits  Expenditure Limits 
Limit set for the Headteacher without prior written approval of the Chair or the Governing Body.£5,000Any items of expenditure up to:£8,000
Limit set for the Headteacher with approval from the Chair of Governors or the Chair of Finance Committee.  £10,000Above this limit if item was previously notified to the Governing Body. Prior Finance Committee or Chair of Governor’s approval (whichever is the soonest) to be sought outside of this.
Prior Finance Committee or Governing Body approval (whichever is the soonest) to be sought outside of this. 

 Any goods or services purchased and works to be carried out, are subject to Durham County Council Contract Procedure Rules (January 2014) for quotations.

First / Pay Review Committee
  • To act in accordance with the Teachers’ Pay Policy adopted by the Governing Body.
  • To report to the Finance Committee on Pay Review related expenditure.
  • To make any decisions under the personnel procedures adopted by the Governing Body, e.g. disciplinary, grievance, ill health, capability etc. where the Headteacher is the subject of the action.
  • To make any decisions relating to a member of staff (other than the Headteacher) under the personnel procedures adopted by the Governing Body (unless delegated to the Headteacher).
  • To oversee staffing reductions.

 Meetings: as and when necessary.
Disqualifications: The Headteacher; the Chair of Governors (if he/she has prior knowledge or involvement); spouse/partner.  Staff members cannot take part in any decisions.

Appeals Committee
  • To consider any appeal against a decision to dismiss a member of staff made by the First/Pay Review Committee (or Headteacher if delegated).
  • To consider any appeal against a decision under the personnel procedures adopted by the Governing Body (e.g. disciplinary, pay review, capability for teachers etc.).
  • To consider any appeal against selection for redundancy.

Meetings: as and when required.  Must have no fewer members than the Hearing.
Disqualifications: Headteacher; any governor who was involved in the hearing; spouse/partner.  Staff members cannot take part in any salary decisions. 

Personnel & Discipline Committee

Terms of Reference

  • To carry out an annual review of the staffing structure in consultation with the Headteacher and the Finance Committee.
  • To oversee the appointment procedure for all staff.
  • To establish and review a Performance Management Policy for all staff.
  • To keep under review work/life balance, working conditions and well-being, including the monitoring of absence.
  • To make recommendations to the Finance Committee on personnel related expenditure.
  • To ensure that the school has an effective Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy. To monitor the implementation of this policy and its impact.
  • To monitor the development of pupils’ attitudes, values and other personal qualities.
  • To agree the aims and values for the school and promote a positive ethos.
  • To ensure that the school has an effective School Council.
  • To monitor nutritional standards within the school to include school meals, snack provision and food available during wrap-around provision.
  • To ensure that the school is fulfilling its responsibilities regarding child protection and the requirements of “Keeping Children Safe in Education”.
  • To review temporary contracts on an annual basis.
  • To consider staff Leave of Absence (only if necessary after delegation to Headteacher).
  • To act as a Pupil Discipline Committee for permanent and fixed term exclusions.
  • To monitor any complaints that might arise.

Meetings: Termly.
Disqualifications: Pecuniary interest.

Delegation to the Headteacher

School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009


Delegation as follows:

  • Permanent Teaching Staff appointments – Headteacher plus one Governor from the Personnel and Discipline Committee
  • Support Staff appointments – Headteacher, Chair of Personnel Committee and Staff Governor
  • Temporary Teaching & Support Staff appointments – Headteacher
  • Supply cover – Headteacher


The Governing Body delegates to the Headteacher responsibility for:

  • up to and including a written warning.

All dismissals to remain with the Committee structure.

Lifting Suspensions:

  • Delegation to the Chair of Governors for all staff excluding the Headteacher.
  • First/Pay Review Committee for the Head Teacher.
Curriculum & Performance Committee

 Terms of Reference

  • To set targets for achievement at KS1 and KS2.  To monitor the school’s performance against these targets.
  • To monitor and review information about school performance.
  • To contribute to the development and monitoring of the School Improvement Plan and the SEF.
  • To ensure that the school’s policy on SEND is consistent with the Code of Practice and Equalities Act, and that arrangements are made to ensure that the policy is monitored and reviewed regularly.  To ensure that this policy is known to parents and carers.
  • To monitor the achievement of disadvantaged groups and the impact of policies on race, SEN, LAC and Disability.
  • To ensure that the school meets the requirements of the SEN and relevant disability legislation.
  • To ensure that the school works effectively with other agencies to support vulnerable children and their families.
  • To develop a whole school Drugs Policy.
  • To decide whether or not to provide sex education. To agree the content and organisation of the school’s programme of sex and relationship education and notify parents of their right to withdraw their child from sex education. To ensure that parents are consulted.
  • To monitor pupils’ attitudes and values, and how other personal qualities are developed within the school through the provision of RE and PSHE.
  • To ensure the effective integration of children with SEND.
  • To ensure that adequate provision is made for transition between primary and secondary education.
  • To ensure that every child receives the full statutory curriculum.
  • To ensure that a report on each pupil’s educational achievements is provided for their parents/carers annually.
  • To set attendance targets and monitor the school’s performance against these targets.
  • To monitor teaching and learning and the progress of pupils.
  • To monitor the provision of extra-curricular activities, including overnight stays, to encourage recreation and social development.
  • To consider out-of-hours provision (wrap around provision, study support, extended schools).
  • To review the policy and provision for Collective Worship and RE and to make recommendations where necessary.

Meetings: at least termly.
Disqualifications: conflict of interest, pecuniary interest.

Headteacher’s Performance Review
  • To arrange to meet with the Education Development Partner (EDP) to discuss the Headteacher’s performance targets.
  • To decide, with support from the EDP, whether the targets have been met and to set new targets annually.
  • To monitor throughout the year the performance of the Headteacher against the targets.
  • To make recommendations to the appropriate committee in respect of awards for the successful meeting of set targets.

Additional Governor Information

How To Become A School Governor

If you require further information on the roles and responsibilities of School Governors, or if you are interested in becoming one, visit the Durham County Council website School Governor section.

Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies

Timothy Hackworth Primary School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department for Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools. For further information about our governors please view or download the documents to the right.

Constitution of Governing Bodies

The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools (2017)

Governing Body Action Plan

Governing Body Action Plan

Instrument of Governors

Instrument of Governors

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PLEASE REMEMBER: Applications for Secondary schools close on the 31st October. See admissions page for more information.