We are a Gold Rights Respecting School and this ethos is embedded at Timothy Hackworth Primary School. We aim to create a climate in which everyone agrees that bullying is unacceptable, and raise the profile of bullying and the effect it has on the lives of children and young people. Children need to understand what constitutes bullying (bullying is deliberately planned and very repetitive) and how to recognise the different forms it may take.
Respectful relationships pervade our school ethos. Our anti-bullying approach is underpinned by our whole school positive behaviour system, which includes our ‘Zones of Regulation’ approach. We enhance opportunities to learn about anti-bullying and positive relationships through our day-to-day interactions with children, our focus on Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (particularly Relationships Education) and by incorporating a wide range of activities, for example, whole school assemblies on a planned programme of themes and Family Groups, where children from Year One to Year Six meet to learn about children’s rights, respectful relationships and global issues.
This should be read in conjunction with the CRC, the Respectful Relationships Policy and the PSHE, Relationships and Health Education (including Relationships and Sex Education) Policy.
CRC Article 28: All children have the right to a quality education.
All policy and practice in Timothy Hackworth Primary School respects children’s dignity.
Our aim is to ensure that Timothy Hackworth Primary School is a safe place in which to work, develop and grow, where bullying, in any form, and by and towards any person, will not be tolerated. We strive to ensure that our pupils have the opportunity to demonstrate resilience, resourcefulness, reflectiveness and reciprocity and have the ambition to be successful members of their community. We aim to provide varied opportunities to raise awareness of the different forms bullying may take and to make sure that staff, parents, carers and children have the skills and knowledge to address bullying effectively.
We are a Gold Rights Respecting School and this ethos is embedded at Timothy Hackworth Primary School. We aim to create a climate in which everyone agrees that any form of bullying is unacceptable. Children need to understand what constitutes bullying, how to recognise the different forms that it may take, both online and offline, and the effect it has on the lives of children and young people. Children need to understand what to do and how to get help.
Respectful relationships pervade our rights respecting school ethos. Our anti-bullying approach is underpinned by our whole school positive behaviour system, which includes Restorative Approaches, Trauma Informed Schools approaches and our ‘Zones of Regulation’ approach.
We enhance opportunities to learn about anti-bullying and positive relationships at every opportunity, including: our day to day interactions with children; our focus on Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education, (particularly Relationships Education); our online safety curriculum; our planned programme of assemblies; Family Groups, where children meet to learn about children’s rights, respectful relationships and global issues; ‘Let’s Think; Let’s Talk’, which provides additional opportunities for children to develop their oracy skills, which includes the development of debating skills, and their understanding of the world around them; and specific events such as Anti-Bullying Week, Show Racism the Red Card and Safer Internet Day. Our curriculum highlights positive behaviours throughout school and the wider community. Our Pride in Inclusion Award (Gold Level) focus promotes equality and diversity and embeds the teaching of inclusion and tolerance within the school curriculum.
We all understand that creating a safe environment and dealing with bullying is our shared responsibility. We have Restorative Peer Mediators, Equality and Diversity Champions and
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, who are trained to support their peers. We monitor and analyse behaviour rigorously and have systems in place to deal with any issues that may arise.
The Anti-Bullying Focus Group have an input into the writing of the Anti-Bullying Policy and have designed posters to raise awareness, which are displayed in classrooms and around the school environment. Staff and children have high expectations of behaviour.
The Anti-Bullying Policy and events information is published on the school website. The website and the school newsletter continue to provide parents and carers with information about respectful relationships, equality and diversity and children’s rights.
Children complete an Anti-Bullying Questionnaire annually to assess their perception of any potential bullying in school, which will subsequently lead to further activities if necessary.
Through our whole school approach, we create an environment where incidents of bullying are very rare, and when they do occur, children have the confidence, strategies and skills to deal with the incident to create a positive outcome, supported by the adults in school.
Click here for the link to our Anti-Bullying Policy, on our policies web page.
Anti-Bullying Week 2021 – One Kind Word
Gold Award

Timothy Hackworth Primary School are very proud to announce that we have achieved the Gold All Together Anti-Bullying Award! Timothy_Hackworth_Primary_School_