Welcome to our Year 3 class page!
The Class Teachers are Mrs. Finkle and Mrs. Lockey.
The Teaching Assistants are Mrs. Laverick and Mrs. McKimm.
We have lots of exciting and interesting learning planned for the year ahead. We hope that you enjoy reading through what we will be learning in class over the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms.
Our Learning in Year 3 (2024-2025)
Autumn Term-1
WB 02.09.2024

CRC Article 28 – All children have the right to an education.
CRC Article 19 – All children have the right to play and rest.
Welcome Back 3H!
Wow! What a busy few days we have had in Year 3H. The children have come back to school, after a long 6 weeks holiday, with a smile on their face, ready to learn.
3H have already started some learning: we have written a recount about ‘our ideal holiday’ to show Mrs Lockey how fantastic our writing skills are. We have also played about place value- thinking about the position of a 3-digit number.
We have also created our charter for our class. We have chosen an underwater theme and cannot ait to show you at parents’ evenings in October.
CRC Article 12: All children have the right to be listened to, give their opinions and be taken seriously.
CRC Article 29: All children have the right to be the best that they can be.
Welcome back 3T, we have had a great start to the year, the children have used their pupil voice to create our Class Charter and to talk about their aspirations for the coming year.
We have had our first art lesson and enjoyed learning to trace, we are studying the work of William Morris, so the children will be looking to nature for inspiration in their artwork.
We are raring to go for the autumn term.
WB 09.09.2024
CRC Article 12: All children have the right to be listened to, give their opinions and be taken seriously.
CRC Article 29: All children have the right to be the best that they can be.
CRC Article 17: All children have the right to find out information.
This week in 3T, we have had a great start to our new History topic – The Stone Age. The children have used a toilet roll to visualise how long 5000 years of history would be. We counted back in 100’s from 2024 C.E. all the way to 3,200 B.C.E.
We found out about when different civilisations arose and fell, then added them to our Timeline.
We are raring to go for the next lesson.

WB 16.09.2024
Year 3 Pedestrian Training
CRC Article 28: All children have the right to a good quality education.
CRC Article 19: All children have the right to be safe.
Year 3 children have participated in pedestrian training this week. We had a speaker who came to visit us in school and talk to us about the Green Cross Code. We found out that a pedestrian uses a footpath as well as the different types of traffic that can be found on the road. We then discussed and watched a video about crossing the road safely and put that into action by going out of school to practise crossing the road, whilst also looking out for hazards.
We need to remember to:
- Check sneaky driveways (driveways where you can’t see clearly.)
- Look for drivers in cars as they could begin to move.
- Look right, left and right again.
- Cross the road in a straight line.
We can’t wait for next week’s pedestrian training lesson to show our trainers what we can remember and show our right to be safe.

WB 23.09.2024
CRC Article 12: All children have the right to be listened to, give their opinions and be taken seriously.
CRC Article 29: All children have the right to be the best that they can be.
CRC Article 17: All children have the right to find out information.
In our Science lesson this week, we have investigated the effect that friction can have on different surfaces.
We worked in teams to create a fair test to see how far a vehicle will travel on different surfaces.
It was fun seeing how the different teams used the equipment to make their ramps steeper. Then we measured and recorded our results. We are ready to write up our experiment and analyse our findings in the next lesson.
We are proud to be super Scientists.

WB 30.09.2024
CRC Article 28 – All children have the right to a good quality education.
CRC Article 30 – All children have the right to learn and use the language, customs and religions of their family.
Bonjour! Year 3 have had the fantastic opportunity to learn French with a native French speaker, Nathalie Paris, this half term. We are very privileged to have Madame Paris working in our school and Year 3 have been super excited to have lessons with her. They have been learning how to say hello and goodbye. They have also been practising listening to simple classroom instructions. We have played lots of games to cement our knowledge and improve our French listening skills. It’s a tricky language to learn but the children have enjoyed it and taken to it like ducks to water. J Bravo, Year 3!

WB 07.10.2024
CRC Article 12: All children have the right to be listened to, give their opinions and be taken seriously.
CRC Article 29: All children have the right to be the best that they can be.
CRC Article 17: All children have the right to find out information.
CRC Article 30 – All children have the right to learn and use the language, customs and religions of their family.
Madam Paris has been teaching French in Year 3. We have learnt how to ask what a person’s name is and introduce ourselves in French, as well as some classroom instructions.
This week we have been learning about French landmarks. We used actions to help us remember each one.
Can you work out which action is for each landmark?
Le’ Arc de Triomphe, le Louvre or la Tour Montparnasse.
Au revoir!

WB 14.10.2024
Religious Education
CRC Article 28: All children have the right to a good quality education.
CRC Article 30: All children have the right to learn and use the language, customs and religions of their family.

This term, in RE, Year 3 have been learning about Hinduism. This week, we have learnt all about Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita. The children have acted out the story as well as retelling in in their books.
This is the story of Rama and Sita…
Hindus believe that a great warrior prince called Rama once existed who was married to a beautiful, strong woman called Sita. They were living a happy, peaceful life until the terrible demon King, Ravana, started causing trouble. He lived nearby and yearned to marry Sita himself. He was a fearsome-looking creature, with a chilling ten heads and twenty arms. In an attempt to have Sita for himself, Ravana whisked Sita away in his mighty, flying chariot.
In order to save his wife, Rama sought out the help of Hanuman, the monkey king, who found Sita imprisoned on Ravana’s island. With the help of many monkeys, Hanuman and Rama built a bridge to save Sita. On the island there was a great battle and Rama shot Ravana with a magic arrow.
Happily reunited, Rama and Sita began their journey home. So that they could find their way back, everyone in the kingdom lit an oil lamp to help guide them. Once they made it back, everyone celebrated their safe arrival.
In the story, Rama, Sita and Hanuman represent goodness and light, whilst Ravana represents darkness and evil. Year 3 have learnt about how good defeats evil.
We are looking forward to next week when we have a Hindu visitor in school!
WB 21.10.2024
3T Week 7 Diwali Workshop
CRC Article 29: All children have the right to be the best that they can be.
CRC Article 17: All children have the right to find out information.
CRC Article 30 – All children have the right to learn and use the language, customs and religions of their family.
Year 3 had a very interesting morning finding out more about Diwali. First we took off our shoes and sat on the mat and listened to some Hindu music. After looking at some musical instruments Zeb had a turn being a Bansuri musician.
Ezra and Leveah showed us the Aum symbol and Sanskrit writing, which is the language of the Hindu deities.
We then heard the story of Diwali and Beau, Grayson, Harry-John and Frances got dressed up to play the parts of Rama, Sita, Laxman and Ravanan.
Afterwards we got our faces painted with beautiful designs.
Definitely a lesson to remember.

Autumn Term-2
WB 04.11.2024
Physical Education
CRC Article 6: All children have the right to be healthy.
CRC Article 28: All children have the right to a good quality education.
Year 3 have had their first lesson this week with a gymnastics coach. We really enjoyed learning about how to make different shapes with our bodies. We learnt about the pike, straddle, tuck, star and stretch and we were able to complete these moves by playing a game. We also learnt 2 ways to travel. We travelled like a gymnast, with outstretched arms and walking on our tiptoes, and travelled in a bunny hop.

CRC Article 28: All children have the right to a good quality education.
This week in English, we have been learning about the poetry form: haiku. We have learnt that this is a form of poetry which is traditional in Japan. A haiku has a syllable pattern of 5 – 7 – 5, and each haiku is 3 lines long. They are usually about nature or seasons. We wrote our poems about bonfire night. Here are a few great ones from Year 3 …
Beautiful colours
In the sky like a rainbow
Crack, pop, whizz, fizz, bang!
By Millie
Sparkle in the sky
Explosions of red, blue, green
Lots of people scared.
By Freddie-Joe
Delicious hotdogs
Sparkling rainbow colours
Pets barking around.
By Mason-James
November is here
Guy Fawkes fireworks fizz, whoosh
Bangs scare all the pets.
By Lillyarna
Exploding rockets
Marshmallows, toffee apples
Whizz, whoosh, crackle, zoom!
By Jasper
Fireworks go BOOM!
Bangs, explosions scare the pets
Do you get very scared?
By Harper
Pink, green, purple, blue
It goes boom, zoom, bang, crackle
Zooming in the sky
By Lillie B
Bang, flash, sizzle, fizz
Fireworks bang loud noises
A hundred colours.
By Kamille
Crackle, fizz, boom, bang
Red, orange, pink, purple. WOW!
A thousand colours.
By Lillie F