

Science Policy
Science Curriculum Overview
Science Knowledge Organisers

Intent for Science

Science is a school-long journey at Timothy Hackworth Primary School; each Key Stage builds on the skills and knowledge of the previous Stage. We aim to provide a fully inclusive curriculum where children develop their skills and knowledge as scientists through collaboration, exploration, investigation and research. We rely on children making cross-curricular connections particularly within English and Maths, so that they can work scientifically and move through investigations at a pace which allows follow up questions and further investigation work.  We strive to ensure our pupils have the opportunity to demonstrate resilience, resourcefulness, reflectiveness and reciprocity and have the ambition to be successful learners. We see Science as an opportunity for children to share their pupil voice and take pride in their learning and to see themselves as scientists. We celebrate in our successes and discoveries, we talk ‘Science’ with enthusiasm and wonder, and we never see failure in anything we have put sound scientific thinking into.

Implementation of Science

Following the National Curriculum 2014, sequences of learning are carefully planned and developed so that new skills and knowledge are built upon previous skills and knowledge to enable consolidation and progression. Pupils’ learning is supported by topic-based books, online research, investigative equipment and materials, and real life experiences.

Science primarily comes under the area of ‘Understanding the World’ in Early Years, however, it also has links to areas in Physical Development (Health and Self-Care) and Mathematics.

In Key Stages 1 and 2, we begin all Science lessons with an Explorify activity. This is to help children generate ‘I Wonder’ questions, to apply previous Science learning to make scientific statements and to excite them for the lesson ahead. These activities can be linked to current Science learning if the teacher wishes to address misconceptions, or they can come from previous units of learning to enable children to think like scientists and revise prior learning.

Science in the Early Years Foundation Stage – ‘Playing to Learn’

Early Years is about exploring and investigating, having fun and playing. Science combines these key elements, which are crucial to establishing a lifelong love of learning. It also connects all other areas of learning, including language (describing what is happening in an experiment and learning new vocabulary) to mathematical skills when building models and testing simple theories (for example, using construction materials).

Science in the EYFS is introduced through activities that encourage the children to discover, explore, problem solve, observe, predict, think, make decisions and talk about the world around them. Within the Early Years, this early scientific work is known as ‘Understanding the World’. This is one of the four Specific Areas of Learning in the Early Years Framework.

Children have a natural curiosity about people and the environment. We provide first-hand experiences so that the children can meet people that have different occupations, and we provide many opportunities to explore creatures and plants in their natural habitats.

We are very lucky to have gardening areas around our school and Forest School facilities to enrich our studies when we investigate in the natural world. Children have an abundance of opportunities to observe plant growth, seasonal changes and animals in their local habitats.

The children are taught to observe, investigate and safely manipulate objects and materials to identify differences and similarities. The children also learn to use their senses, for example, when exploring the different textures of materials, listening to sounds in the environment and through baking and other food preparation activities.

The children are encouraged to ask questions about why things happen, how things work and about what they think will happen in a variety of activities.


At Timothy Hackworth Primary School, Science is taught as a discrete lesson each week and is incorporated into other lessons where it is appropriate.

Science at Timothy Hackworth Primary School is an evolutionary process in which children’s knowledge and skills are constantly being built up upon, whilst at the same time developing that deeper understanding. Right from the start of their school journey, children are encouraged to think like scientists because that is what they are. Throughout their Science education they are exposed to STEM careers (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), because we as duty bearers, want the children at Timothy Hackworth to be the best that they can be.

During their time in KS1, children should be able to describe their knowledge in Science, and as a scientist, collaborate with others. They will seek to answer questions raised through observing closely, performing simple tests, identifying and classifying, gathering and recording data.

In KS1, each Science lesson begins with identifying what Science means and the type of learning we expect to take place. Science ‘Knowledge Organisers’ have been developed for each unit of learning. Teachers will develop children’s understanding that a Knowledge Organiser is a learning tool and not all aspects of it will make sense at the start of the unit, but as the children’s knowledge and understanding grows, so will their understanding.  Children are encouraged to make additional notes within the Knowledge Organisers to develop their growth mindset skills, ensuring that we constantly build upon what we know and understand. Children in KS1 are encouraged to make connections between what they are learning in Science and the world beyond that lesson. KS1 use a class floor book, which gives the class opportunities to regularly revise previous learning.

In Science it is imperative that children are able to confidently apply their mathematical knowledge in number and data collection. We also strongly encourage the use of technical and scientific language from the moment they enter Year 1. Our Science floor books allow for stronger collaboration between children and gives them the valuable time needed to investigate and explore scientific concepts.

We want children to go on to KS2 knowing what the subject of Science is, believing that they are working as scientists and having an enthusiasm to consider and try many different forms of investigation to find answers to their questions.


In KS2, the journey continues and Science is taught each week as a discrete lesson. Opportunities to teach Science alongside other curriculum subjects are taken.

Our teaching is sequenced following the Science Overview. As children progress through our school, prior learning is built upon. In each lesson, children revise prior learning using their Knowledge Organiser. These present children with the key information and vocabulary that they will need for the unit of learning. Children are encouraged to use these as a working document and add additional learning, including learning that they are finding a challenge to retain, in order to help them in future lessons.  We also challenge children at the start of the unit, and at regular intervals, to go even deeper and make connections with learning from previous year groups, or units from other strands of Science. They must also know which strand of Science they are currently working in and what future STEM careers this could be associated with.

Working scientifically is a focus in our school and in Lower KS2 we will be encouraging children to transfer their Maths and English skills. This ensures that, as children move through KS2, we expect their ability in working scientifically to become more refined and to show a greater level of confidence. In Upper KS2 we continue to make links with prior learning and challenge the children to think more independently.  Upper KS2 children should now have enough background knowledge and exposure to work scientifically so that they can extend their investigations with confidence. We would then expect the children to be able to feed back the answers to their questions, whether this be as a scientific report that shows a depth of knowledge and vocabulary, or a report that shows a child is able to take their data and make sense of it through the knowledge that they have gained.

In KS2, children will use more advanced equipment and measurements to enhance their data collection and observation skills. This will also prepare them for the technology they will be exposed to as they move into KS3.

Impact of Science

Impact is measured by the child’s progress against their expected outcomes and their ability to meet the key aims of the National Curriculum for Science.

The impact of learning will be assessed using:

  • Science Trackers throughout the year.
  • Subject Leader monitoring through data analysis, tracking, pupil progress

meetings, learning walks, book scrutiny and pupil interviews.

The impact of our school approach will enable our pupils to:

  • have scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through biology, chemistry and physics;
  • understand the nature, processes and methods of Science through different types of Science enquiries;
  • have enhanced their Science capital;
  • have lively, enquiring minds that lead children to wonder and question;
  • have a range of scientific knowledge and skills;
  • build on their natural curiosity and realise science is beyond the classroom enabling them join their global community in caring for our planet;
  • plan, communicate and run investigations in a variety of ways;
  • respect their right to be safe in using equipment safely and sensibly;
  • be global citizens who are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of Science today and in the future.

Science Videos


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