During the winter weather the school has procedures in place in case it is necessary for the school to close. Closing the school is always a last resort but if it is unavoidable, a decision will be made by 8.15am.
We will inform parents of any unexpected closures, as follows:
- A text will be sent to the first mobile phone number on a child’s contact list (please inform us as soon as possible if you change your telephone number)
- A note will be added to the front page of the school website.
- STAR radio station (102.8fm; 106.8fm) will be notified
- The closure will be added to the Durham County Council website
The above procedures will apply for all unexpected school closures.
School closures that are known in advance, such as polling days, will be notified to parents with as much notice as possible. We will do this by letter, on the school website and via the text messaging service.
If you have any comments or queries with regard to the above information, please contact the school office.