The pupil premium is allocated to local authorities and schools with pupils on roll that are known to have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any time in the last six years.
Our school has the freedom to spend the Pupil Premium, which is additional to the main school budget, in a way we think will best address inequalities, tackle disadvantages and support the raising of attainment for our pupils.
During 2014-2015 Timothy Hackworth Primary School received £254,455 in pupil premium which will be spent on the following:
- Extra tuition – experienced staff members providing small group and 1-1 tuition to support targeted pupils and to raise standards (£156,517)
- Parent intervention and support for vulnerable families (£36,200)
- Specific Staff Training (£8,500)
- Provide positive opportunities (eg. Thrills and Skills Team Building) to promote citizenship and teamwork (£5,100)
- Breakfast Club – free breakfast for vulnerable families and children receiving early morning intervention (£4,500)
- Subsidised school visits, events and summer holiday activities (£15,000)
- Cooking Club to encourage and support healthy eating – ingredients and staff costs (£3,500)
- Theatre and Musical Performances in School (£4,000)
- Purchase of play equipment (£1,300)
- After school clubs and extended schools activities to raise self-esteem, develop skills and heighten aspirations, including lunchtime sport activities (£10,000)
- Continued improvement of the learning environments (£10,000)
Pupil Premium Context
Pupil Premium Impact Report (updated June 2015)
Pupil Premium Impact Report
This use of the pupil premium grant has had a hugely beneficial effect on pupil outcomes, the 2014 KS1 ad KS2 results have improved as a result.
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